Welcome to the Catholic Church in Biddulph, Goldenhill, Kidsgrove and Packmoor

Welcome to the website of our parish partnership. Our partnership includes three parishes, four churches, three schools, and covers quite a wide area. If you want to know what is happening at the moment in our parishes, have a look at this week’s bulletin, or look at the events that are coming up. If you want to know how to make contact with us or want to know how to arrange a baptism, wedding or funeral then you’ll find information on the relevant pages. If you are a parishioner, please let us know what information you would like to see on our pages. If you are a visitor, please leave us feedback, and please come and visit us in person soon.


Church Road, Biddulph
Staffordshire, ST8 6JG
Tel: 01782 782121

Mass: Sunday 9:00am


High Street, Goldenhill
Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 5RD
Tel: 01782 782121

Mass: Sunday 11:00am


The Avenue, Kidsgrove
Staffordshire, ST7 1AE
Tel: 01782 782121



Mellor Street, Packmoor
Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 4SN
Tel: 01782 782121

Mass: Saturday 5:30pm


Monthly Archives: May 2014

Gift Aid

If you are a Tax payer (on wages, savings or pension) you can help the Parish with no cost to yourself! Last year the partnership of parishes received over £10,000 back from the Inland Revenue which was a great boost to the funds. If you have got any questions and want more information you can contact your parish Gift Aid co-ordinator: Goldenhill-Christine Hulme, Kidsgrove-Peter Convey and Biddulph & Packmoor-Mary Jervis. Alternatively you can ring Teresa in the Parish Office and

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